You can make a difference.

There are numerous ways to get involved with variying levels of commitment. All are welcome. All help appreciated


PSA Meetings

The PSA Committee meet semi-regularly, often on Friday mornings. Join the PSA Whatsapp group or watch out in school comms for when the next one is scheduled.

Feel free to join and share ideas!


Skill Search

Calling all Artists, Chefs, Musicians, Linguists, Mathematicians, Sports Enthusiasts & Green Thumbed Plant Wizards!

If you have a skill you would like to pass on that can also help raise money for the children at Grazebrook School we'd love to hear from you!

We are always grateful to those that volunteer to create / teach / help in any way. Be that running an arts & craft stall, face painting or serving coffee at one of the many events. All help and support is appreciated! You can provide details here to get involved



Over many years the generosity of parents has helped us provide a wide range of opportunities and activities for all students to broaden and enrich their education. From the performing arts to the sports field, in the classroom and beyond the school
With public funding of state schools under constant and increased pressure, parental contributions have proven vital in sustaining an education provision that remains uniquely diverse and of a high standard to benefit all students.



The PSA organise a mixture of flagship (Barn Dance, Summer/Winter Fair) and smaller events (bakes/plant sales) throughout the school year to raise funds. Through the support of parents, volunteers and school staff we are able to support the school providing funds for items, activities and school programmes


Spread the word

Tell your friends and family about the Grazebrook PSA. There's no better way to make an impact than to become an active advocate yourself. Join now and make an impact!

Contact →



Support Grazebrook Primary School PSA by Shopping Online

Now you can generate free donations for us every time you shop online via The Giving Machine. Sign up and get started now or browse the huge range of shops that are participating. Please do tell your friends and family how they can help us at no extra cost too.

View the giving tree


project Vote

Periodically, a vote shall take place using social media to help decide where the funds raised should be spent next.

A fun and interactive way to be involved in how best to support the school


Next project to fund

  • New Wet Play Items
  • Year Group Trip
  • New Musical Instruments
  • New Wet Play Items
  • Year Group Trip
  • New Musical Instruments